Shallow vestibule of the mouth and connective tissue bands in the region of vestibule of the mouth are one of the etiological factors in the development of generalized periodontitis. One of the modern methods of complex treatment of periodontal tissue with shallow vestibule of mouth is the use of surgical correction of pathological structure of the vestibule of the mouth. There are a number of operations for mucogingival plastic, but not always the use of these techniques of vestibule plastic gives the desired therapeutic effect. The study aims to improve the efficiency of complex treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis with the shallow vestibule of the mouth by vestibule plastic and using the means of the healing quercetin andsolcoseryl in the postoperative period. 60 patients with generalized periodontitis with shallow vestibule of the mouth were examined and treated. All patients had their vestibule plastic done developed by us in which a number of technological moments were improved. As an important element of intervention is the placement and fixation by stitches of free mucous grafts taken from the palate, and inserted into the area of horizontal sections near the premolars. All patients were divided into 2 groups. Patients of the first group (30 people) in the postoperative period were prescribed the healing quercetin. Patients of the second group (30 people) in the postoperative period were prescribed the healing solcoseryl. The most important outcome of our vestibule plastic operations are the reproduction of normal depth of the vestibule of the mouth, elimination of the chronic injury in the vestibule area of the mouth, normalization of blood supply to the periodontal tissues, restore the structure of mucosa of periodontal tissues at the cellular level. Application of the healing quercetin and solcoseril showed normalization of morpho-functional state of the epithelium in the surface layer of cells found desquamation. In the lamina propria of mucosa of gingival connective tissue represented by thin bundles of collagen fibers, capillaries of normal structure, areas of moderate lymph infiltration, and most cell populations were mature, active fibroblasts. The structure of the mucosa of the gums using the healing quercetin and vestibule plastic developed by us in papilla increased the number of newly microvessels, turned thin collagen fibers of the longitudinal direction. Among the cellular components distinguished young, poorly differentiated and active fibroblasts – collagen blasts of type II. Our data have confirmed the feasibility and high efficiency of vestibule plastic developed by us together with the use the means of the healing quercetin in patients with generalized periodontitis and shallow vestibule of the mouth. Complex treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis with shallow vestibule of the mouth when applying vestibule plastic using free mucous grafts and the means of healing quercetin in postoperative demonstrates significantly higher treatment efficiency compared to means of healing solcoseryl in clinical and laboratory parameters, cytological , morphological features vestibule mucous membrane of the mouth and radiographic, ultrasound characteristics of jaw bones in the early and late periods after treatment.