Kinesitherapeutic guidelines and methods of social reintegration of hemiparetic patients

personАвтори: A. Dimitrova, M. Becheva, M. Bozhkova, N. Guencheva, P. Atanasov

Abstract: Brain stroke is a severely debilitating disorder leading to long-term loss of employability and self-service. Due to the social importance of the disease, the aim of the paper is to inform the readers with the application s of kinesitherapeutic and ergotherapeutic methods, making possible the reciperation and resocialization of the ill. Physicaltherapy and rehabilitation, and mostly kinesitherapy, are of the utmost importance for optimal functional recovery and the achievement of the maximum possible independence for a better quality of life for patients suffering from stroke. The goal of kinesitherapeutic treatment is to maximize recovery of affected limbs, achieve autonomy and independence in everyday life. The kinesitherapeutic means during the main recovery period include massage, passive exercises, inhibitory positions, posotonics exercises consisting of passive echoing of the patient, stimulation of the reflex posture, active analytical exercises for the unaffected limbs. The labor process for patients with hemiparesis should allow the suppression of primitive motoric circuits and facilitate and control active movements. Ergotherapeutic and art-therapeutic activities occupyan important place in the the complex rehabilitation process. The main tasks of ergotherapy in stroke patients are aimed at restoring motor functions, stimulating mental and memory abilities, developing psychic processes – perception, thinking, attention and training in everyday life activities to support the social reintegration of patients who have suffered from brain strokes.

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