Impact of the generic competition on reference prices of cardiovascular medicines

personАвтори: G. Petrova, M. Manova, Z. Mitkova


The goal of the study is to analyze the impact of introduction of new generic substances in the positive drug lists on the prices of reimbursed cardiovascular (CV) medicines.

It is a retrospective, observational and statistical analysis of the changes in reference prices of monoproducts acting on cardiovascular system for the period 2009-2014 years. On total 48 INN out of 12 ATC groups were included in the analysis. T-test analysis was applied towards the price changes.

Out of 48 INN 4 new molecules were introduced and for 28 products new generic products enter in the listduring the period. For 91.7% of the CV medicines was observed price decrease and for the rest 8.3% increase was reported. Within the therapeutic group with new generic molecules entrance the general rule is that the reference prices decrease. The latter is also observed when new dosage forms are introduced as is the case with the group of sartans, ACE inhibitors and anti-hyperlipidemic. The decrease is more than two fold in the newly emerging therapeutic groups of ACE inhibitors, AT angiotensin receptor blockers, and antihyperlipidemic. In the group of well-established cardiovascular glycosides and antiarrhythmic medicines prices remain stable. The prices decrease is more evident after 2013 probably as a result of the legislative changes introduced in the period. Most of the price changes were found to be statistically significant.

This study confirms that the generic competition lead to significant price decrease, but other factors also play an important role in the process.

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